2022 Newsletters
Dear Dairy Feeder Calf Club Members, April 2022
Our next meeting will be this Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:00pm in the Home & Family Arts Bldg. Registration starts at 6:45pm. Program for the evening will be on calf care and showmanship. If you have yet to pay your club dues, they are now $11/member.
Do you have your calf yet? If you are having trouble locating a calf, don’t hesitate to call any of the leaders. They would be glad to help.
We would like to give a big THANK YOU to all the members that sold geraniums this year!! If you sold geraniums, don’t forget to pick them up at the fairgrounds on April 27th from 3-6pm. All flowers must be picked up at this time.
Congratulations to Bridgette Stutsman for being voted as our queen representative for this year’s fair! Congrats, Bridgette and good luck!!
**Have you completed the mandatory Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Program for this year??? This training NEEDS to be completed by EVERYONE by May 15, 2022. You can either complete this online ($12 fee) or in-person ($3 fee). You must register for this training (https://yqcaprogram.org). You will not be able to show at the fair if you do not complete this training!!
Our calf May weigh-in date is Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 7:00am-10:30am at the fairgrounds by the dairy feeder calf barn. Because there are many activities going on at the fairgrounds that day, please follow any posted directions that they may have regarding traffic flow. All DFC club members are REQUIRED to bring their calves in on this date to be weighed and receive an ear tag. The maximum weight at weigh-in is 250lbs. Any calves weighing 250lbs or less are in Group A. If your calf weighs over 250lbs, you are in Group B and you will show in the overweight class at the fair. HOWEVER, at the fair weigh-in, if your Group B calf weighs less than the heaviest calf in Group A, you will be eligible to show in a regular weight class. Each member can only tag two calves for the county fair. If your calf does not already have a RFID tag, it will receive one. It is mandatory, and will cost $5.00 to receive one.
All club dues need to be paid by this time. We will be drawing auction numbers as well. Don’t forget to draw yours. If your dues aren’t paid or you forget to draw your number, you will automatically be put at the end of the auction order. We will have sign up sheets for the Café. Please sign up to work a shift or two!
We will have three screeners at the weigh-in. They will be looking for crossbred calves. If they decide your calf is a crossbred animal, you will need to talk with Ken Metzler. The screeners decision is final. If this is the only calf you have, you are still allowed to bring your calf to the fair and show it in the crossbred class. You will still be able to sell this calf in the auction as well. The only thing you will not be able to participate in is the championship drive on show day.
Milford Animal Clinic will be available at weigh-in to give your calves their vaccination shots and implants if needed. Because of the stress that is involved in dehorning and castrating, these services will not be offered at weigh-in. Please remember, calves need to be castrated and dehorned early enough for them to be completely healed by fair week. It’s good to get this done before the flies get bad. If you are planning to have any vet services done, please come prepared to pay. We will once again have the Square as another form of payment method for a $1.00 fee.
If anyone is planning on showing at the State Fair, you may tag six calves total. You may show the same calf at the county fair and state fair. If you do this, you are not allowed to sell that calf at the county fair. You will need to declare two calves for the county fair at weigh-in. You will need to pull hair samples on these calves and turn it into the extension office by May 15,2022. If not turned in by the deadline, you will not be able to show at state fair. This is only a requirement for calves signed up for the State Fair.
Don’t forget, everyone will need a Premise ID number. You can register for one online at http://www.in.gov/boah/2700.htm. If you have any questions about premise ID, go to http://www.in.gov/boah/files/4H_FAQs_3-2015.pdf.
**AFTER WEIGH-IN** Remember to register your calves by May 15, 2022 on 4HOnline. For your animal to be eligible to show at the county fair and/or the state fair, you animal MUST be identified into the 4HOnline database. This is the same database that you used to sign up for 4H. Everyone should have received an email from the extension office explaining how to do this.
Each year members are required to either write an essay on a posted question or participate in a predetermined service project. Our two service projects for this year are scheduled for June 4, 2022 at the fairgrounds and June 11, 2022 at Loveway. Times for these projects are yet to be determined, however, they are usually in the morning.
If you are unable to participate in one of the two service projects, you are required to write an essay. Our essay topic for this year is: How has the pandemic changed the agricultural industry? Essay length requirements can be found on the website.
Remember to check out our website regularly! www.dairyfeedercalfclub.com
See you Thursday!
-Your DFC Leaders
**Looking Ahead**
Dear DFC Families, February 2022
Hello! Our next meeting is this Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 7:00pm. We will meet in the Mennonite Room in the ECCC Building. We will start registration at 6:45pm. Program for the evening will be presented by Dr. Chapman from Milford Animal Clinic . If you have not paid your club dues yet, please come prepared to take care of this. Dues are $10/member. It goes up $1.00 at the March meeting. If you wish to pay by check, please make it payable to: Dairy Feeder Calf Club.
Remember the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Program that is required for completion of your project? All 4-H members who are enrolled in Dairy Feeder have to complete the program every year in order to show at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair and or the Indiana State Fair. There are several dates and times to choose from. This training needs to be completed by May 15, 2022!!!! You can either complete this online ($12) or In-person training ($3). Registrations for both online and In-person training will need to be competed at http://yqca.org. You must preregister to participate in the IN-Person training. If you have any questions on this, please contact Robert Kelly in the extension office. In person training dates are: Feb. 24, March 21, March 26, April 19 and May 10.
Are you selling geraniums?!?!?! This is an excellent fundraiser for the club and the 4-H program. Geraniums are $1.50/plant and hanging baskets are $15/basket. Orders and money are due NO LATER than April 8th to Jodi Evans. Pickup of flowers is on April 27th at the fairgrounds from 3-6pm. Mail all orders and money to: Jodi Evans, PO Box 416, Bristol, IN 46507. Any checks need to be made out to DFFC. Each member MUST sell one flat of geraniums (18 plants) for stall request forms to be honored. See the attached “Flower Sale 2022 Flyer” on your email for more information and a handy dandy order form to help you keep track of your orders.
Club Officers were elected at our January meeting. Your 2022 Club officers are: Riley Kitson, Grace Brenneman, Titus Stutsman, Jayden Rassi and MaKayla Kingdon. Congratulationsl!!
Important Dates:
See you Thursday!
Your DFC Leaders
January 2022
Dear 4-Her’s and DFC Families,
Welcome to 2022 and to another exciting year of 4-H!! Our first meeting is this Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7:00pm. We will be meeting in the Home & Family Arts Building at the fairgrounds. Registration starts at 6:45pm. Check your email, text messages or the website for cancellation if the weather is bad.
The program for the evening will consist of basic club information and stations. The stations will be cover crossbreds, feed/bedding, rules/updates, and health/vaccinations/what to look for. We also plan to elect club officers. We will be electing our president, vice president, secretary, and treasure. If you are interested or know someone that is interested in being an officer, please come to the meeting and get your name on the ballot. Please contact a leader if for some reason, you are unable to make it to the meeting, but would like to be added to the ballot.
Club dues are $10 per 4-Her if paid at the January or February meetings. (UNLESS, you took advantage of our early bird registration special and enrolled by Dec 1, your dues will only be $5/member.) Dues go up by $1 each month after February. Checks or cash only. Checks can be made out to DFC.
Every year each 4Her must either participate in one of our announced service projects or submit an essay on an announced topic. We have our first service project coming up on Feb 5 from 9am-12pm with Feed the Children. A link to sign up was posted on our Facebook page or you can try this link Feed the Children Sign Up. Parents and 4H members (12yrs and older) are welcome. There are still 28 open spots available. A signed waiver form is needed for ALL volunteers and is also attached to this email. Parents must sign for 18 & under.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) training dates were sent out. Everyone has to complete the training EVERY YEAR to be able to participate at the fair. This can be done either in person ($3) or online ($12). You must register prior to attending the class. To sign up, go to yqca.org and use your 4HOnline log in. In person training dates are: Feb. 24, March 21, March 26, April 19, May 10. The deadline to have this completed by is May 15, 2022.
Adult 4-H Leaders:
Organizational Leader: Ken Metzler
Assistant Leaders: Lydell Troyer, Tim Stutsman, Dale Miller, Jodi Evans, Brandi Kitson,
Erica Brenneman, Bridget Hunter
Advisory Board Members:
President: Reba Goshert
Vice President: Leah Bigler
Recording Secretary: John Rassi
Treasurer: Jodi Evans
Members: Steve Miller, Earl Yoder, Trever Riegsecker, Dustin Mattern, Chad Brew, Sara Lechlitner
We will be using the club website and our Facebook page to post important information throughout the year. It will serve as a good tool to look up club information.
Facebook Page: Elkhart County 4H Dairy Feeder Calf Club
Website: www.dairyfeedercalfclub.com
Email Address: [email protected]
To receive DFC updates via text messages, text @dfcc17 to the number 81010.
If you receive this newsletter and you are not going to participate in the DFC club this year, PLEASE let us know. Thank You and we hope to see everyone on the 20th!
See you soon,
Your DFC Leaders
Mark your calendars:
2022 DFC Club Meeting Dates: All meetings begin at 7:00p.m., unless otherwise noted. Registration at 6:45pm.
January 20: Home & Family Arts Building
February 17: Home & Family Arts Building
March 17: Ag Hall
April 21: Home & Family Arts Building
May 7: 7:00am-10:30am Weigh In & Auction Number Draw, DFC Barn
May 19: Beef/Dairy Arena
June 16: Worknight/Clean up Barn & Concession Stand
July 19: Dairy Feeder Calf Barn, all paperwork due and passes handed out
July 22-30: 2022 Elkhart County 4-H Fair
August: DFC Achievement Banquet
Our next meeting will be this Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:00pm in the Home & Family Arts Bldg. Registration starts at 6:45pm. Program for the evening will be on calf care and showmanship. If you have yet to pay your club dues, they are now $11/member.
Do you have your calf yet? If you are having trouble locating a calf, don’t hesitate to call any of the leaders. They would be glad to help.
We would like to give a big THANK YOU to all the members that sold geraniums this year!! If you sold geraniums, don’t forget to pick them up at the fairgrounds on April 27th from 3-6pm. All flowers must be picked up at this time.
Congratulations to Bridgette Stutsman for being voted as our queen representative for this year’s fair! Congrats, Bridgette and good luck!!
**Have you completed the mandatory Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Program for this year??? This training NEEDS to be completed by EVERYONE by May 15, 2022. You can either complete this online ($12 fee) or in-person ($3 fee). You must register for this training (https://yqcaprogram.org). You will not be able to show at the fair if you do not complete this training!!
Our calf May weigh-in date is Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 7:00am-10:30am at the fairgrounds by the dairy feeder calf barn. Because there are many activities going on at the fairgrounds that day, please follow any posted directions that they may have regarding traffic flow. All DFC club members are REQUIRED to bring their calves in on this date to be weighed and receive an ear tag. The maximum weight at weigh-in is 250lbs. Any calves weighing 250lbs or less are in Group A. If your calf weighs over 250lbs, you are in Group B and you will show in the overweight class at the fair. HOWEVER, at the fair weigh-in, if your Group B calf weighs less than the heaviest calf in Group A, you will be eligible to show in a regular weight class. Each member can only tag two calves for the county fair. If your calf does not already have a RFID tag, it will receive one. It is mandatory, and will cost $5.00 to receive one.
All club dues need to be paid by this time. We will be drawing auction numbers as well. Don’t forget to draw yours. If your dues aren’t paid or you forget to draw your number, you will automatically be put at the end of the auction order. We will have sign up sheets for the Café. Please sign up to work a shift or two!
We will have three screeners at the weigh-in. They will be looking for crossbred calves. If they decide your calf is a crossbred animal, you will need to talk with Ken Metzler. The screeners decision is final. If this is the only calf you have, you are still allowed to bring your calf to the fair and show it in the crossbred class. You will still be able to sell this calf in the auction as well. The only thing you will not be able to participate in is the championship drive on show day.
Milford Animal Clinic will be available at weigh-in to give your calves their vaccination shots and implants if needed. Because of the stress that is involved in dehorning and castrating, these services will not be offered at weigh-in. Please remember, calves need to be castrated and dehorned early enough for them to be completely healed by fair week. It’s good to get this done before the flies get bad. If you are planning to have any vet services done, please come prepared to pay. We will once again have the Square as another form of payment method for a $1.00 fee.
If anyone is planning on showing at the State Fair, you may tag six calves total. You may show the same calf at the county fair and state fair. If you do this, you are not allowed to sell that calf at the county fair. You will need to declare two calves for the county fair at weigh-in. You will need to pull hair samples on these calves and turn it into the extension office by May 15,2022. If not turned in by the deadline, you will not be able to show at state fair. This is only a requirement for calves signed up for the State Fair.
Don’t forget, everyone will need a Premise ID number. You can register for one online at http://www.in.gov/boah/2700.htm. If you have any questions about premise ID, go to http://www.in.gov/boah/files/4H_FAQs_3-2015.pdf.
**AFTER WEIGH-IN** Remember to register your calves by May 15, 2022 on 4HOnline. For your animal to be eligible to show at the county fair and/or the state fair, you animal MUST be identified into the 4HOnline database. This is the same database that you used to sign up for 4H. Everyone should have received an email from the extension office explaining how to do this.
Each year members are required to either write an essay on a posted question or participate in a predetermined service project. Our two service projects for this year are scheduled for June 4, 2022 at the fairgrounds and June 11, 2022 at Loveway. Times for these projects are yet to be determined, however, they are usually in the morning.
If you are unable to participate in one of the two service projects, you are required to write an essay. Our essay topic for this year is: How has the pandemic changed the agricultural industry? Essay length requirements can be found on the website.
Remember to check out our website regularly! www.dairyfeedercalfclub.com
See you Thursday!
-Your DFC Leaders
**Looking Ahead**
- May 19: Club Meeting – Stations/Demonstrations
- June 16: Club Meeting – Essays & Stall Request Forms Due
- July 19: Paperwork due and passes handed out
- July 22-30: FAIR!
Dear DFC Families, February 2022
Hello! Our next meeting is this Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 7:00pm. We will meet in the Mennonite Room in the ECCC Building. We will start registration at 6:45pm. Program for the evening will be presented by Dr. Chapman from Milford Animal Clinic . If you have not paid your club dues yet, please come prepared to take care of this. Dues are $10/member. It goes up $1.00 at the March meeting. If you wish to pay by check, please make it payable to: Dairy Feeder Calf Club.
Remember the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Program that is required for completion of your project? All 4-H members who are enrolled in Dairy Feeder have to complete the program every year in order to show at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair and or the Indiana State Fair. There are several dates and times to choose from. This training needs to be completed by May 15, 2022!!!! You can either complete this online ($12) or In-person training ($3). Registrations for both online and In-person training will need to be competed at http://yqca.org. You must preregister to participate in the IN-Person training. If you have any questions on this, please contact Robert Kelly in the extension office. In person training dates are: Feb. 24, March 21, March 26, April 19 and May 10.
Are you selling geraniums?!?!?! This is an excellent fundraiser for the club and the 4-H program. Geraniums are $1.50/plant and hanging baskets are $15/basket. Orders and money are due NO LATER than April 8th to Jodi Evans. Pickup of flowers is on April 27th at the fairgrounds from 3-6pm. Mail all orders and money to: Jodi Evans, PO Box 416, Bristol, IN 46507. Any checks need to be made out to DFFC. Each member MUST sell one flat of geraniums (18 plants) for stall request forms to be honored. See the attached “Flower Sale 2022 Flyer” on your email for more information and a handy dandy order form to help you keep track of your orders.
Club Officers were elected at our January meeting. Your 2022 Club officers are: Riley Kitson, Grace Brenneman, Titus Stutsman, Jayden Rassi and MaKayla Kingdon. Congratulationsl!!
Important Dates:
- April 8: Geranium orders & money DUE to Jodi Evans
- March 17: March meeting in the Ag Hall
- April 21: April Meeting in the Home & Family Arts Building
- April 27: Geranium pick up at the fairgrounds 3-6:00pm
- May 7: 7:00am – 10:30am Weigh In & auction number draw (all calves are required to be brought to the fairgrounds) Dues must be paid.
See you Thursday!
Your DFC Leaders
January 2022
Dear 4-Her’s and DFC Families,
Welcome to 2022 and to another exciting year of 4-H!! Our first meeting is this Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7:00pm. We will be meeting in the Home & Family Arts Building at the fairgrounds. Registration starts at 6:45pm. Check your email, text messages or the website for cancellation if the weather is bad.
The program for the evening will consist of basic club information and stations. The stations will be cover crossbreds, feed/bedding, rules/updates, and health/vaccinations/what to look for. We also plan to elect club officers. We will be electing our president, vice president, secretary, and treasure. If you are interested or know someone that is interested in being an officer, please come to the meeting and get your name on the ballot. Please contact a leader if for some reason, you are unable to make it to the meeting, but would like to be added to the ballot.
Club dues are $10 per 4-Her if paid at the January or February meetings. (UNLESS, you took advantage of our early bird registration special and enrolled by Dec 1, your dues will only be $5/member.) Dues go up by $1 each month after February. Checks or cash only. Checks can be made out to DFC.
Every year each 4Her must either participate in one of our announced service projects or submit an essay on an announced topic. We have our first service project coming up on Feb 5 from 9am-12pm with Feed the Children. A link to sign up was posted on our Facebook page or you can try this link Feed the Children Sign Up. Parents and 4H members (12yrs and older) are welcome. There are still 28 open spots available. A signed waiver form is needed for ALL volunteers and is also attached to this email. Parents must sign for 18 & under.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) training dates were sent out. Everyone has to complete the training EVERY YEAR to be able to participate at the fair. This can be done either in person ($3) or online ($12). You must register prior to attending the class. To sign up, go to yqca.org and use your 4HOnline log in. In person training dates are: Feb. 24, March 21, March 26, April 19, May 10. The deadline to have this completed by is May 15, 2022.
Adult 4-H Leaders:
Organizational Leader: Ken Metzler
Assistant Leaders: Lydell Troyer, Tim Stutsman, Dale Miller, Jodi Evans, Brandi Kitson,
Erica Brenneman, Bridget Hunter
Advisory Board Members:
President: Reba Goshert
Vice President: Leah Bigler
Recording Secretary: John Rassi
Treasurer: Jodi Evans
Members: Steve Miller, Earl Yoder, Trever Riegsecker, Dustin Mattern, Chad Brew, Sara Lechlitner
We will be using the club website and our Facebook page to post important information throughout the year. It will serve as a good tool to look up club information.
Facebook Page: Elkhart County 4H Dairy Feeder Calf Club
Website: www.dairyfeedercalfclub.com
Email Address: [email protected]
To receive DFC updates via text messages, text @dfcc17 to the number 81010.
If you receive this newsletter and you are not going to participate in the DFC club this year, PLEASE let us know. Thank You and we hope to see everyone on the 20th!
See you soon,
Your DFC Leaders
Mark your calendars:
2022 DFC Club Meeting Dates: All meetings begin at 7:00p.m., unless otherwise noted. Registration at 6:45pm.
January 20: Home & Family Arts Building
February 17: Home & Family Arts Building
March 17: Ag Hall
April 21: Home & Family Arts Building
May 7: 7:00am-10:30am Weigh In & Auction Number Draw, DFC Barn
May 19: Beef/Dairy Arena
June 16: Worknight/Clean up Barn & Concession Stand
July 19: Dairy Feeder Calf Barn, all paperwork due and passes handed out
July 22-30: 2022 Elkhart County 4-H Fair
August: DFC Achievement Banquet